Growing Healthy: Organic Gardening Tips And Advice

You wish to make a fresh and healthy organic garden. Congratulations on making the right decision. Keep reading for tips any beginner will find useful.

Shoveling clay is very difficult and lots of work because the clay is hard and sticks to the shovel, making it tough to handle. Try applying a coat of wax onto your spade prior to working with clay soil, and then buff the spade head with a cloth. The shovel will glide through the clay and as a bonus, your shovel will be resistant to rust.

Plants need to take in CO2 to grow and thrive. Plants tend to grow better when the CO2 levels are higher. The best way to expose your plants to a high level of carbon dioxide is by growing them in a greenhouse. In this environment, the CO2 levels are kept high so the plants can experience optimal growing conditions.

Start your seedlings in pots inside and then transplant them into your garden. This can give your seedlings the advantage they need to survive and reach adulthood. It also allows you to tighten up the time periods between plantings. Using this method, you can remove the mature plants, then put the seedlings in their places.

Separate irises. You can get more irises by dividing the overgrown clumps. Once the foliage has died off, lift out your bulbous irises. You will be able to split the bulb easily and replant it to get more flowers next year. You can divide rhizomes with a knife. From the outside cut the new pieces and then get rid of the old center. Each piece must have a minimum of one strong offshoot. All that is left to do is immediately replant the pieces you have created and let the cycle begin anew.

Use only pesticides designed to kill the specific type of pest in your garden, and avoid the broad-spectrum kind. These types of pesticides also kill the beneficial insects that eat the pests. The bugs you need are often more fragile than the ones you don’t: a pesticide could actually kill the beneficial insects while leaving the pests unaffected. This can cause you to use an additional amount of pesticides in order to attempt to fix this problem.

Now, you shouldn’t get your hopes up and believe that a few tips are going to turn you into an instant professional gardener. However, these tips are a great starting point if you do plan to grow organically. As you implement these tips and hone your skills, you’ll be a professional green-thumb-holder in no time.

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